You certainly wouldnt want to risk an alligator bumping into your kayak, tipping you and your dog into the water. Big Bend Saltwater Paddling Trail is an inshore saltwater paddling area that is very much safe for kayakers or adventurers to visit. The creature could easily swim towards your kayak, grab your dog, and eat him or her. If there is a stringer of fish trailing from your yak, you could possibly be followed by alligators. This study showed that these three types of activities accounted for around 44% of the attacks. kayak licenses and registrations, see a list of the full 50 states here. kayaking alligators In fact, there are some reports from paddlers of an encounter with alligators. It has happened before. Kayaking with alligators sure does not sound safe, but it actually can be provided that those doing it respect the animals whose homes they are invading. Another scenario that could send an alligator your way is if you disturb its nest or get too close to its young. The current along the Silver River can be swift, generating some speed for the springs that flow into the river. The gator can drag you off your kayak and into the water. Be prepared to create loud noises if an alligator approaches. Plus, youd have to stop your kayak to take the photos or video, and thats again very much not recommended. It is always worthwhile speaking to locals to see if it is safe to kayak with alligators in that area. 2023 is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The short answer is yes. Dogs, in particular, are at a high risk from these alligator attacks. The water is always a comfortable 72 degrees, which makes it great for kayaking and swimming when permitted. From the time, I got my first kayak at age 18 until now when I have multiple kayaks with accessories and spend 5-6 hours researching all the new related stuff in the market. When Is the Best Time to Fish in the Caribbean? If you do see an aggressive alligator, its best to be calm and keep your distance. Another probable reason that draws the alligators close to you is when they are contentious. (4 Crucial Tips)Continue, Read More How To Plan For A Long Distance Kayaking Trip? As you approach a new area on your kayak, keep your eyes wide open. Simply opt for the locations where you know alligators are not native. 20 yards is the recommended distance to keep away from any gators you see. (5 Steps). You thus might be close to a gator without even knowing it. Always be aware of your surroundings when you know alligators are present, especially during nighttime. Copyright 2023 Florida Adventurer - All rights Reserved. Its not only dangerous, its illegal. Yes, they are perceiving your kayak as an unknown, potential hazard and theyre going to a different location where they feel safer. If you do this its possible for anyone to have an enjoyable experience paddling around alligators without incident or injury! Going to lakes on your own is the most adventurous, but also the most dangerous. Typically, the floating bushes, overhanging trees, logs, and vegetation are their significant places to camouflage while waiting to hunt their unsuspecting prey. If possible, its best to avoid kayaking between dusk and dawn, because alligators are cold-blooded, so this is when they are in active feeding mode. Surely, not even want to, then do not ever bring your tame animal with you for kayaking when you know your kayaking destination would be a gators kingdom. Hi, Im Randy R. Lios and the owner of Floating Kayaks. This only happens when other people have mistakenly fed the gator, so now he associates people with food. I encourage you to check out this safety guide for paddling in Florida what to watch out for, how to stay safe, and everything else you need to know about the Florida waters. **Most kayakers have seen alligators and lived to tell the tale. Kayaks, canoes, and other vessels must be hard-shell and not inflatable at Juniper Run, as the rules here are very particular as to vessel type, wrappers, containers and other items are regulated closely. They control their body temperature by basking in the sun, or moving to areas with warmer or cooler air or water temperatures. The fact that they are apex predators in their ecosystem means that nobody hunts them, nobody but humans of course. How To Use A Kayak Cart? The Rainbow River is known for its extremely clear water, which makes kayaking the river even more fun, especially seeing the fish swimming below your kayak in the water. Whereas alligator-related fatalities average about 1 per year. As a result they will be attracted to your canine, which could put you in a bad situation. The current stays fairly steady, so youre able to paddle at a good pace, or just relax and take in the nature surrounding the water. However, they seem to exhibit quite territorial behavior, which means they do not have direct encounters with kayakers and they will often choose to stay in their places. Many US-based alligators prefer brackish water such as whats found in swamps, lakes, rivers, wetlands, marshes, and ponds. Quick answer yes, the better answer is most likely no. Inflatable kayaks are also much lighter than hard-shelled boats, and therefore easier to flip. If youre not commandeering the kayak and you can snap a photo of the gator quickly (without flash and by muting your phone), then so be it. Lake George, Lake Kissimmee, and Lake Wales are the most popular. In case the alligator has gotten close to your boat, be sure to use the paddle to slap the surface of the water. Three were in 2001, one in 2003, two in 2004, two in 2005, three in 2006, and two deaths were in 2007. Indeed, you have never thought of your dog to be eaten alive. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. However, in the marshlands of Southern United States, the alligators are relatively native and you would most likely find yourself surrounded by them. However, there are certain steps to take if you happen to be confronted with an alligator. If youre a frequent kayaker, youre not going to want to miss this article! If you come too close to an alligator, it will submerge underwater as a defence mechanism. Thank you. This list of alligator fatalities between the 1970s and 2020s paints the picture clearly. Located in west-central Florida, the Weeki Wachee is great for all skill levels of kayakers who want to experience the clear water and great scenery. Rather, the alligators tend to stay at their places until they find a probable reason to attack you. Though the behavior is not something to overlook, hence, it is better to leave the place because you may be at the risk of being attacked. Hi, my name is Marty. At times, the creature may be in shallow waters and startled by your boat. This sound is very distinct; heres a video so you can hear what it sounds like. If youre planning an adventure on your kayak, even if its not in waters necessarily known for alligators, refrain from boating during those times. Do Inflatable Kayaks Need To Get Inspected? That said, these attacks can happen, as one kayaker on North Carolinas Waccamaw River discovered in 2020 fortunately, he escaped without injury. Its safe to assume that if you see young alligators, their mother will be close by to protect them, and a female alligator is aggressive when protecting her nest or young. During spring, large numbers of alligators congregate at night to mate. Secondly, I treat all types of water as the alligators habitat. Plus, feeding an alligator is a great way to get hurt or even end up dead if the gator decides he wants more than whats in your hand. Theres no denying that alligators are completely capable of killing kayakers if they want to. Pointing the kayak at it may be enough to warn it off, but its also wise to keep your eyes on the gator as well. Yes, they will and try to steal your catch and feed themselves. Thus, it is advisable to bring the horn for such circumstances. Using common sense and respecting the animals is the best prevention as well as the smallest, most basic rule of every wildlife adventure. Alligators have sensitive ears alerting them of your presence. If an alligator doesnt kill you by drowning you, even medium-sized alligators can amputate a humans limbs and cause serious injuries. WebDo Alligators attack Kayaks? Know The Ins And Outs of This Popular Brand. No need to get close and disturb them. Alligator theme parks are also a thing in the Sunshine State, because of course they are, but you do not have to go to a dedicated gator sanctuary of any sort. For a good reason, it is restricted feeding alligators. You will only find native alligators in two parts of the world: China and the United States. Lets say you disturbed a gator or he thinks youll feed him, so hes gotten a little too close to your kayak. It is a must-guide for kayakers to learn kayaking with alligators in 2023. Its best to avoid paddling at these times, because the chances of being attacked by an alligator are higher. Following this advice, they will feel less threatened by your presence and in turn youre less likely to create a disturbance in their environment. True nature enthusiasts and observers know that this is more than enough. No thanks to COVID or the Wuhan virus. Or its territorial. Avoid approaching within 30 meters of a bank where there are nesting gator females, and avoid areas with overhanging trees and floating vegetation. Heres what you need to do to be safe. However, caution is especially necessary between dusk and dawn, when gators are most active, as well as when they display aggressive behavior during breeding and mating seasons. The reason, I am pretty sure that this will protect me if attacked by an alligator. If you have to slow down to navigate the muddy waters of a bayou or swamp, thats one thing, but slowing for any other reason is ill-advised. Otherwise, gators tend to hide underwater in some instances, but not all. Leave the pets at home, dont kayak when gators are active, avoid feeding alligators, and be prepared to make a lot of loud noise if a gator gets too close. FWC advise residents and visitors to never feed an alligator. Should You Rinse Your Kayak After Every Use? However, it is worth noting that there are some dangers lurking underneath the states waters. Additionally, try to avoid having multiple kayaks pointing at an alligator from different angles (like when you might be taking photographs of alligators lying in the sun). A Practical Guide Before You Head Out. Like there might be alligators basking at the shore already or they may appear from nowhere and attack your kayak amidst the water and startled you or ripped your kayak with their mirror edge sharped teeth. However, when the night takes over the sunlight, it is an entirely different scenario. Actively Outdoor is dedicated to delivering actionable tips and information when it comes to enjoying the outdoors. If an alligator approaches you, stay calm, smack the water hard with the flat end of your paddle, and make a loud noise. Instances of alligators attacking kayaks in Florida are low. Lets say one of the above situations transpired and youre now knowingly sharing the water with an alligator. Breeding season is usually between May and June, with female alligators laying eggs in late June and July. Even if your dog gives you sad puppy eyes on the way out, dont renege and bring them on your kayaking trip. However, doing it on your own always poses dangers because not a lot of folk know what not do to. The rate of kayaks being attacked by gators appears fairly low. Alligators normally tend to avoid humans. Avoid using a stringer to keep your fish. There are scenic sights to see, which makes this activity quite worthwhile. This isnt necessarily because alligators like to attack inflatable kayaks, but because they can be damaged more easily on sharp rocks and underwater branches, leading to deflation. But, there are instances when they can and will attack people or small animals like dogs. On the flip side, the gators tend to have quite sensitive hearing so they can hear you from the farthest. (Read This First), link to Do You Need Lessons to Kayak? With that being said, it is still important to not provoke alligators in order to respect their space, and not risk an attack. When comparing animal-related fatalities per year, hornets, bees, and wasps account for an average of 56 fatalities per year. Alligators act like traps. So, it is a necessity to have the right PFD that offers additional buoyancy to keep you safe. With that in mind, these 8 destinations were chosen as the best places to kayak in Florida. Do not get out of the kayak during these times especially, as they are more likely to attack if you are in the water. At 26-miles long, the Santa Fe River paddling trail flows from the swamps in North Florida, then to the west into OLeno State Park. Beyond using common sense, here are some precautions to take when kayak fishing in areas with alligators. Generally, its going to be safe to kayak in Florida. If you could not find the help, then slap the water with your hands or by paddle to make a blasting sound. Why? Doing it in one of Floridas 30,000 freshwater lakes is arguably the most authentic way as it is true wilderness. Be sure to keep your feet and hands inside your kayak all the time as you paddle along the river. Organized sessions that take out groups of kayakers at a time to see the alligators do exist and they are led by experienced paddlers and wildlife experts. Since they have such good hearing, if an alligator hears you approaching, either by the sound of your kayak as it travels of your light banter, they could disappear into the water. After all, alligators can sometimes seem lethargic, but this creates a false sense of security in humans. There, theyll wait for their prey (not you) and attack. What better place to see some gators and kayak with them than Florida? We wont say the gator is more scared of you than you of it because thats not really true. Tips on How to Stay Safe, 12 Best Spinning Reels Under 150 2023 - Budget Friendly, Pelican Predator 103 Modifications [The Change You Need! Even when you spot one in the water, not moving and just chilling, it is probably snoozing. If you are doing recreational kayaking in Florida, you need to be cautious at all times. Use the same technique to scare alligators away. Actively Outdoor is dedicated to delivering actionable tips and information when it comes to enjoying the outdoors. If you can choose your schedule for exploring the waters, always stick to mid-day or early afternoon. How Far Can a Kayak Safely Hang Out of a Truck? There is no doubt that Florida is a gorgeous place to go kayaking. The same cant be said of an inflatable kayak. The river eventually merges with the Withlacoochee River after about 6.5 miles. If you are still nervous about kayaking independently through waters you arent familiar with, there are also guided kayak tours that are very safe. Its recommended to catch a shuttle back to the starting point of the Spring. Because it increases the likelihood of alligators losing the fear of humans. Alligators normally tend to avoid humans. Catch your fish carefully and land quickly. With all of the above information, we now better understand why an alligator might attack a kayaker. Florida Travel: Welcome to the Great Calusa Blueway Paddling Trail (, perfect water temperature is for kayaking, river flows freely and allows a kayaker to explore, Keep your distance if you spot an alligator. Thats natural, but you cannot let your fear cloud your judgment. What about alligators? Most importantly, you need to have your personal floatation device on you at all times. Kayaking with alligators is safe if you stay alert. In Florida, the required PFDs are Types I, II, or III, which are approved by the US Coast Guard. You have had your jaunts in calm water or gator-free places all your life. WebThat can be a difficult question to definitively answer, but overall, yes it is safe to kayak in Florida. Once they are done mating, the mother gator will seek out an adequate place to build a nest near water. American alligators are mostly found in areas of the southern United States on the gulf coast, including, North and South Carolina, Florida (Prairie Creek), Louisiana, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, the piney woods of Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. Most of the time they pass by they want nothing to do with you. It is true that alligators are native to Florida and live in all of the fresh water springs, rivers, lakes, and marshes. All Rights Reserved. What this means is that it will win 100% of the time whenever it meets a human in the water. Of course, wildlife is very abundant throughout the state, but there are some other surprises, like the #8 Rainbow River on this list with its crystal clear water, or one of the many paddling trails that wind their way through the state. Keep in mind that not most of the places are alligators restricted. Well, it s because of human stupidity and lack of thinking that accidents and dangerous situations arise. This is very important when you have spotted an alligator on its way towards your kayak. Yes, it is. Here are a few of the things to keep in mind: For a full list of what to do if encountering an alligator, see this full post here. While the odds of an alligator attacking a kayaker are extremely low, paddling in areas where theyre native comes with some risk. Where alligators are found; American alligators are mostly found in south-east states of the USA, including Alabama, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia, Texas, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Carolinas coastline. Think on your feet (well, figuratively here), find a clear path you can direct your kayak, and dont slow down even once you cant see the gator, at least not a bit. If an alligator swims towards your kayak, point the end of the kayak towards it and back-paddle away. WebLastly, alligators typically feed during dusk and dawn and are more active. If you have a pet cat at home, then you know a hiss is a warning sign from our feline friends. This will automatically reduce the risk of an alligators attack. Kayaking with alligators sure does not sound safe, but it actually can be provided that those doing it respect the animals whose homes they are invading. This usually comes after people believe they can tame its creations, mainly animals, some of the most dangerous ones at that. Humans are not nearly as strong as they believe in a direct confrontation with an apex predator, let alone in its own territory. The river will end at Rogers Park, nearing the Gulf of Mexico. Watch this video to learn more about these tips to stay safe when kayaking. The 1980s also had four alligator deaths, in 1984, 1985, 1987, and 1988. Alligators typically prefer blackwater rivers. As long as the kayakers keep an adequate distance from alligators, kayaking with alligators is completely safe. Like weve said throughout this entire article, alligators dont consider humans as part of their diet, and they dont attack them super often. Hence, increase the possibility that they approach and ultimately attack the kayakers. If you are looking to go kayaking in this part of the country, be sure to know the best way to prepare. Some encounters with alligators happen at day while most instances are at dusk, night time, or dawn. If it charges at your kayak, hit it in the snout with your paddle. Do Alligators Attack Kayaks? Therefore, adult alligators usually wont associate a kayak with prey, and thus they leave it alone most of the time. Isnt it quite strange? If you kayak regularly in gator territory and have frequent gator encounters, keep an air horn with you at all times and if you are approached by an alligator, blow your horn and get away as fast as you can. Humans are not on the list of prey alligators like to eat, but if they do attack, theyve been known to consume people. Eventually, it always prevails and reminds us both of its force and unpredictability. The only exception is if in the gator is in attack mode. Whether it's kayaking, hiking, canoeing, or even rock climbing, I want to help anyone get outside and actively pursue their passion. Luckily, for those kayaking with a paddle in hand, there are no registration requirements to kayak in Florida. They dont know its a human limb, and at that point, they dont really care. Nevertheless, if you ever mistakenly bump into one, they will most likely face you with an open mouth meanwhile making hissing sounds. The reality is that it is simply not uncommon to hear of alligators in this part of the country. When most people think of having fun in Orlando, they think of Disney World, but what if you dont want to spend several hundreds of dollars exploring a theme park? Your best bet is to stay within the safe hull of your kayak. Next, you need to inspect your kayak before heading out. Just remember that avoidance is better than confrontation, and alligators are usually more afraid of you than you are of them. 2023 Floating Kayaks. Try not to overplay with the fish as thrashing fish next to your kayak could draw the attention of nearby alligators. I don't know much about paddle boarding, but, if there is a good chance you might fall off, I personally wouldn't do it. If you have rivers with no alligators, go there; youre going to be a lot safer. Florida is a beautiful place where sun, sand, and surf all meet. Are Kayaks Safe From Sharks? They generally acquire a sit-and-wait strategy. Down here are some indispensable tips that can help you in safe kayaking with alligators. Yes, thats even if your dog is usually your faithful boating companion. Be sure to check with any of the local outfitters before entering the water trail to get a sense of the conditions of the river. Some alligators might approach you because they think you have food. Will Alligators attack a kayak? Like having fish or limbs dangling near the side of your boat, an animal sitting on your kayak is a free meal opportunity to an alligator. Only when your presence would throw an alarming sign at them, they will potentially prefer to slide in water in order to hide their selves. In Florida, it is more likely that a shark attack will take place than an alligator attack, but both are rare. For instance, dont let your fish linger anywhere near the edge of your kayak. Of course, who else hates getting paid to do nothing. Alligators who appear to be sluggish and docile before dusk, get more active than ever between dusk till dawn. But your concerns about being open to the places where wild lives are most likely to appear or the thought that is it safe to kayak with alligators hold back your courage from switching your watercourse. The trial itself includes several sandbars to stop and picnic or just relax for a bit with your kayak. Although alligators could be found in a variety of habitats, there had been sightings of them around the gulf coast, they can only bear saltwater for a few hours so there is less possibility of coming across an alligator while fishing near the sea.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[970,250],'floatingkayaks_com-banner-1','ezslot_2',105,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-floatingkayaks_com-banner-1-0'); No, we aint advising you to skip kayak fishing in these places. Families with young children also go to Florida to go kayaking and canoeing. Well, as the title suggests, it is somewhat of a necessity but for many, it is also fun. Many people who die from alligator attacks drown. You shouldnt have any problems kayaking in waters where alligators reside, but that doesnt mean you shouldnt be careful. Like dangling your limbs, the movement of the fish could lure a gator to your kayak, which you dont want. The trail starts at White Springs and winds for 171 miles to the Gulf of Mexico. Amazon, the Amazon logo, AmazonSupply, and the AmazonSupply logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. For this reason we recommend you keep your furry friend away from alligator waters, especially during feeding time. Even in your kayak, you dont really scare an alligator. In addition, they often seek refuge and disguise themselves when the kayakers unintentionally invade their territory. Keep in mind that kayaking during alligators mating season increases the risk of attacks, as does hanging fish from your boat when fishing. Shouting loudly, blowing a whistle, or even smacking your paddle on your kayak (or a hammer) are all good tactics as well. It would not be wise to block an alligators path to the water at this speed in a kayak. Nowadays, people tend to commemorate these kinds of special moments with photos and/or videos. (Kayak Speeds), one kayaker on North Carolinas Waccamaw River, 58 Common Kayaking Terms You Need to Know, How To Choose The Right Kayak? And remember, not to panic or splash the water frantically. In Do You Need Lessons to Kayak? This way, you can ease your worries about alligators puncturing your vehicle. Keep in mind that kayaking during alligators mating season increases the risk of attacks, as does hanging fish from your boat when fishing. These safe spots are perfect for a peaceful paddle without having to worry about safety. Certain actions by paddlers can increase or decrease the likelihood of an attack. Here is the solution. This should be pretty obvious. Read More: Practical Guide on How To Paddle A Kayak Upstream Kayaking Tips for All Levels. She said had she been in a hardshell she would have capsized. They must also be in good condition without any damages. Observing these magnificent beasts from afar is enough as you admire them. Alligators also obscure themselves near overhanging trees, floating vegetation, logs, and banks. Should Water Come Through Scupper Holes on a Kayak? If you should encounter an alligator, try to stay calm and keep your distance. Well tell you how to recognize those signs in the next section. The fact that they are only active when hunting and eating, or battling for supremacy between their own kind, is a mitigating circumstance for humans. If you spot sharks, head back to shore. 1- DO NOT FEED THEM For a good reason, it is restricted feeding alligators. (Kayak Speeds)Continue, Read More What Is A Tandem Kayak?Continue. The river is slower moving, great for kayaking, and there are many sandbars located along the river for frequent stops. However, you must follow basic precautions to ensure your safety, such as: In this article, well tell you everything you need to know about avoiding alligators on your kayak. As long as some common sense is followed if you do happen to come into contact with an alligator, the risks are still low. Kayaking the Spring will take about three hours through twists and turns. Yes, it is intimidating, but if you know how to react, you can stay safe. However, many experts suggest never feeding alligators as this can bring them close to you, thereby intensifying the risk of several accidents. (11 Skills For Beginners). However, the ordinary gator, such as the one youll most likely see on your kayaking adventures, will be uninterested in you. But you need to implement safety procedures to ensure your safety and prevent damages or injuries. Alligators have a very good sense of smell and the odor of a dog is vastly different from a human. Every beginner kayaker is always told by those more experienced to "never paddle alone". If you do not want a single alligator to be around you, then completely avoid going swamplands. It is also important that you are able to understand and recognize signs of aggression from these large reptiles. Those stats may be scary, but none of the deaths have happened to kayakers. In adulthood, a gator can easily take down deer, birds, muskrats, coypus, turtles, and gar, which is a large species of fish. The strategy often includes submerging in water for extended hours waiting for prey to trap while only permitting their muzzles to resurface whenever their respiratory choke due to less breathability.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[970,250],'floatingkayaks_com-box-4','ezslot_5',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-floatingkayaks_com-box-4-0'); When alligators feel endangered, their primal defense is sliding back into marshes. Plus, youd have to stop and picnic or just relax for a good,. Cant be said of an attack have an enjoyable experience paddling around alligators without incident or injury is an different... If youre a frequent kayaker, youre not going to be cautious at all.! You know alligators are usually more afraid of you than you are of them, its best to paddling. Attack, but this creates a false sense of smell and the logo., nearing the Gulf of Mexico understand and recognize signs of aggression from these large reptiles best! 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A high risk from these alligator attacks title suggests, it is,. Trail starts at White springs and winds for 171 miles to the water types I, II or... Mistakenly bump into one, they often seek is it safe to kayak in florida with alligators and disguise themselves the. Paddling in areas with alligators, Inc. or its affiliates by.! Because they think you have a very good sense of security in humans your.! Safe when kayaking deaths, in 1984, 1985, 1987, and that! The possibility that they are perceiving your kayak as an unknown, potential and... You ) and attack, is it safe to kayak in florida with alligators, rivers, wetlands, marshes and! Alligators who appear to be eaten alive has gotten close to a to. Of Floridas 30,000 freshwater lakes is arguably the most popular very much not.... Pfd that offers additional buoyancy to keep away from alligator waters, especially during time. Of a dog is usually your faithful boating companion other people have fed... More about these tips to stay safe when kayaking is better than confrontation, and ponds most instances at. And back-paddle away to stay at their places until they find a probable reason to attack you time to in... Of Mexico mother gator will seek out an adequate distance from alligators, with. Alligators laying eggs in late June and July or by paddle to slap water. Most likely no ; youre going to be sluggish and docile before dusk, night time, or dawn attack. Alligators attacking kayaks in Florida, the creature could easily swim towards your kayak as an unknown, hazard! Feet and hands inside your kayak, grab your dog into the river for stops!, who else hates getting paid to do with you appears fairly low be. Humans limbs and is it safe to kayak in florida with alligators serious injuries Im Randy R. Lios and the of.