Firefall Maple is a strictly male tree that produces no seed crop, while Autumn Blaze produces a noticeable crop of seed each late spring. Description: Freeman maples are a cultivar of red maple ( A. rubrum) and silver maple ( A. saccharinum ). Deciduous. Next, apply a slow-release fertilizer to the root zone. dormancy by May 30th we will guarantee it outside of the five-day notification FGTTip: Check out Japanese Maples if youre looking for similar color without the larger size. Many of my customers inquire about them. Everything is marked, Landscape Design and Construction Services. The fall color of Firefall Maple is also quite nice, trending to a mix of red and burgundy that will delight the eye and brighten the autumn landscape. Redpointe needs full sun. Youll be glad to know (if you didnt know) that there are. But it does tolerate southern climates better. Firefall Maple has several characteristics that make it a good choice for Minnesota landscapes. These plants are cultivars of a hybrid of two trees that are native to the Chicago region according to Swink and Wilhelms. Although they can tolerate light shade, they achieve their best fall color if they get full sun. As the tree has low seed production, dont expect too many granivorous (seed-eating) birds to visit for food. 3. The increased attention to red maples is not surprising at all because of their great looks. Place a picnic table or two under the canopy to keep your guests cool during family reunions or barbecues. Like red maple, Autumn Blaze prefers slightly acidic soil, but tolerates pH levels of 5.0 to 7.4, so it can also grow in slightly alkaline soils. Although here I have to say that most soils are neutral. Sign up for our mailing list for special offers, new products, expert advice and more! Although both varieties are quite vigorous, you can speed up their growth to get a nice, big tree faster. Should a deciduous tree shipped dormant in the winter or spring fail to emerge from Missouri Botanical Garden: Acer x Freemanii 'Jeffersred' AUTUMN BLAZE. Wanna get paid to play in the dirt? Read a book or lay in a hammock under your beautiful shade tree. In the spring, the American Red Maple has clusters of red flowers that pop against its vivid green leaves. Flowers are inconspicuous. Also, the sun needs are different for these maples, Redpointe Maple needs 8 hours of direct sun, and Autumn Blaze needs only 6 hours. Autumn Blaze is a trade name for the 'Jeffersred' cultivar of a hybrid maple known as Acer x freemanii, which is a cross of red and silver maples. WebIt prefers well-drained moist, acidic soil in the full sun to partial shade. This should make Firefall Maple a tree that will add beauty to the landscape for many decades. Only in the first year after Firefall maple ( zones 3-7 ): A cherry-red maple thats tolerant of harsh wind, snow and ice Celebration maple ( zones 3-8 ): A tree with bright yellow and orange fall leaves that can handle ice, storms and drought Autumn fantasy maple ( zones 3-9 ): A ruby-red, drought-tolerant maple Comparing red maple to Autumn Blaze maple is a little like comparing apples to oranges. Since the introduction of the original Autumn Blaze Maple (US Plant Patent 4864) in 1980, these trees have been heavily planted. Our experts can help you find the perfect Maple Tree for your landscape. Its the perfect team player in communities. Best of all, it provides multiple seasons of exciting colors. It was also used for medicinal purposes. There are numerous seedless selections of the autumn blaze and sienna glen maples. The Norway maple is not as spectacular as some, since the fall color is generally a less remarkable yellow. Additionally, in the wintertime, sienna glen manages wind, snow, and ice way better than autumn blaze. Firefall Maple reaches a height of 50-60 feet tall and spread of 30-40 feet wide. Deciduous. Now its time to talk about what is similar between Redpointe and Autumn Blaze. Johnsons Nursery, Inc. is a third generation, family-owned business. Firefall Maple has several characteristics that make it a good choice for Minnesota landscapes. Redpointe Maple is also more disease-resistant than Autumn Blaze. The female red maple bears red fruit, 1/2- to 3/4-inch winged samaras. Stay in the loop. Though, many types are seedless, such as autumn fantasy and celebration maple trees. Red maple likes sunny to partially shaded sites and grows well in a number of soil types, although it prefers moist, rich, well-drained, slightly acidic soils with a pH of 4.5 to 6.5. They're valued less for their yellow fall foliage than for their growth habit and the fact that they're tolerant of compacted soil and pollution. 8601 Snider Road Swampy wet areas and dry areas will be just fine for this vigorous grower. The growth rate is fast and is 1 to 2 feet per year. Find our when your new plants will be delivered directly to your door. Keep in mind the overall mature sizes and allow room for them to grow, including their root systems. [4] All that can be said is that Acer freemanii is generally intermediate between the parents. Maples are typically tolerant of our range of soil pH. Not all possible situations are covered. It is known for being one of the fastest-growing Maples, with a growth rate of 3 to 5 feet per year. It can be planted down in Southern Florida, Texas, California and other warm areas. Black Maple (Acer saccharum subsp. Looking For Prices & Quantities? WebThe hybrid maples are drought-tolerant, strong branching, and faster-growing. Common name: Autumn Blaze Freeman maple Botanical name: Acer x freemanii Jeffersred Exposure: Full sun to part shade Foliage: Autumn Blaze maple earns its name from the brilliant red color that its leaves turn in the fall. Talk with our Plant Experts. WebSienna glen maple trees display fall color sooner than autumn blaze maples. Has a strong central leader and excellent branching habit. Also from Asia originally and bearing red fall foliage is the paperbark maple (Acer griseum). Ultimately, autumn blaze maple is popular and well known. nigrum), Striped Maple, Snakebark Maple (Acer pensylvanicum), 25 Popular Japanese Maple Varieties With Great Foliage, How to Grow and Care for a Paperbark Maple Tree, How to Grow and Care for October Glory Maple, 10 Trees with Big Leaves to Add Shade to Your Yard, 11 Best Trees That Grow in Shade for Years, Autumn Blaze Maple (Acer x freemanii 'Jeffersred' Autumn Blaze), Amur Maple (Acer tataricum subsp. Firefall Maple grows quickly, tolerates a wide variety of soils, and withstands drought fairly well once established.
Sienna glen maple trees display fall color sooner than autumn blaze maples. , with updates made according to current research. With partial shading, it may have fewer leaves. Height: 40 to 55 ft. Width: 30 to 40 ft. These insects can cause significant damage to foliage. Habit: This tree grows 50 feet tall, We're open spring through fall for garden inspiration, plant advice, and beautiful plants. Firefall joins Celebration Maple, Sienna Glen Maple and Autumn Fantasy Maple on the relatively short list of maples that wont produce the litter problem of seed crops. This tree can tolerate nutrient-poor soil, but, the more moist and fertile the planting medium, the better the tree will thrive. Sign up for our mailing list for special offers, new products, expert advice and more. This also means less need for pruning on Firefall Maple than Autumn Blaze Maple. As soon as you notice pests or spots on the leaves, you will need to spray the tree with an insecticide or fungicide, depending on what you are dealing with. This tree needs at least six hours of light time to look good and grow properly. The fall foliage is a striking orange-red. Fall brings rich shades of fiery red. The Autumn Blaze maple tops out at 55 feet, with a 30- to 40-foot spread. Also, mulch the root zone with compost, it makes the soil a little acidic. Your support is vital to the Arboretum, where the power of trees makes a positive impact on peoples lives. Many of my customers inquire about them. Once trees are established they can tolerate some drought. It makes an excellent shade, lawn, or street tree that can tolerate heavy clay soils and even occasionally wet soils. Jeffersred, sold under the trade name of AUTUMN BLAZE, is an older cultivar that was discovered by nurseryman Glenn Jeffers in the late 1960s. Autumn Blaze inherited its fast rate of growth from its silver maple side. World traveler, professional writer and consummate gardener, Spengler earned a BA from U.C. We guarantee that your plants and trees will arrive Happy and Healthy. There are several cultivars available for this tree. [citation needed]. Only in the first year after Another thing that is not a problem in this maple is leafhoppers. This can help the consistency of fall color from year to year. Choose a fertilizer with a balanced amount of all necessary elements. The Amur maple (Acer tataricum subsp. freemani at the U. S. National Arboretum in 1933. Autumn Blaze maple is a large tree, but red maple is larger. The main difference is that Redpointe Maple tolerates alkaline soils better, while Autumn Blaze can get chlorosis in such soils. Fall color is orange to red-burgundy. Autumn Blaze maple tops out at 55 feet, with a 30- to 40-foot spread. Both trees have fantastic fall colors, but there are a couple of differences between the autumn glaze and sienna glen maple. This selection tolerates a wide range of soil and moisture conditions, although best growth will occur where there is consistent moisture, good drainage, and ample nutrition. The shape of the Firefall Maple Tree is more upright and oval shaped, so it will be not as wide as the Autumn Blaze Maple. An upright oval form growing 50 feet high and 35 feet wide. Essentially we are a wholesale grower that welcomes the general public. Given sufficient sun, water and elbow room, this ornamental tree spreads to 50 feet wide. Natorp's Leading Garden Expert. These slow-growing trees have a dense growth habit with a branching pattern that begins far down on the trunk.
This Maple variety stands up to the cold, by withstanding the freezing temperatures in growing zones 3 through 8. For the Central and Southern U.S., youre better off with Redpointe. The orange-red to red fall color develops a little earlier than other cultivars. With a growing rate of 2 to 3 feet per year, its considered a fast growing variety. The 4- to 6-inch leaves of the Autumn Blaze maple stay green till autumn, when they turn bright orange-red, the color of a blazing fire. Another pick from the toughest Maples, it can also survive a variety of different conditions. Autumn Blaze maple tops out at 55 feet, with a 30- to 40-foot spread. Red Maples are prized for their silvery bark, fast growth, and yellow-to-red fall foliage. WebSpecific epithet and common name honors Oliver Freeman who first grew A. While both Autumn Blaze and Firefall Maple produce gorgeous red/orange/burgundy fall color, Firefall Maple shows its color a bit earlier in the fall. If you go for Autumn Blaze you will definitely want to check the tree regularly for the first 5-7 years. Freeman Maples are noted for their fast growth, uniform habit, and reliable fall color. Famous as the source of maple syrup, sugar maples can reach 80 feet or higher, with a spread of up to 60 feet. Does an Adams Crabapple Tree Need Cross Pollinator. Wanna get paid to play in the dirt? Autumn blaze maples are the ones you want for a fast addition to your outdoor space thats simple to manage. In the summer heat, the leaves, yellow from chlorosis, will burn. Japanese Maples are a favorite choice for a specimen tree with their typically smaller size, unusual bark, leaf shapes and colors. In certain parts of the country, the brilliant yellow, orange, and red hues of fall maples in native forests are legendary, and you can bring this fall display into your home landscape by carefully selecting species and cultivars suited to your needs. The Fall Fiesta sugar maple is known for having a lovely symmetrical, rounded, and dense canopy that makes it an excellent shade tree. Fall is right around the corner, and we can almost smell the pumpkin spice in the air. Many homeowners may prefer Firefall Maple for its lack of seed litter. The Autumn Blaze maple is a deciduous tree with an attractive upward branching habit, rounded canopy, and deeply lobed maple leaves. There is no cure for Verticillium Wilt, but infected trees can be preserved through regular watering and minimizing other stresses. Norway maples are such tenacious trees that they can be invasive in some areas of North America. You should definitely water them for 1-2 years after planting in dry weather. This is the pick for those who want to have a mature tree in their landscape fast! In fall, the medium green leaves of Autumn Fantasy Maple turn to a vibrant ruby-red. WebAutumn Blaze Freemans maple (Acer x freemanii Jeffersred): This cultivar is a rounded to broad oval tree, growing 50 to 60 feet high and 40 to 50 feet wide. Redpointe Maple is a more refined variety that shares the same ancestry as its competitor. Most important of all, the Sugar Maple has amazing color. , with updates made according to current research. The primary common name, striped maple, refers to the white stripes that run vertically up the green bark of the trunk when it's young. Fruit are winged seeds in pairs (samaras), and some cultivars produce no fruit. WebCommon Name : Autumn Blaze Freeman's maple, Freeman maple. This will prevent old leaves from re-infecting the tree next year. Redpointe Maple is also more disease-resistant than Autumn Blaze. It was discovered in Urbana, Illinois as a landscape tree. Native to North America, it was the Native Americans who discovered the maple tree using the sap for making maple syrup. The shape of the Firefall Maple Tree is more upright and oval shaped, so it will be not as wide as the Autumn Blaze Maple. Autumn Blaze is a trade name for the 'Jeffersred' cultivar of a hybrid maple known as Acer x freemanii, which is a cross of red and silver maples. There are several cultivars available for this tree. Like other hybrid maples such as Autumn Blaze, Matador, Sienna Glen, Autumn blaze maples are the ones you want for a fast addition to your outdoor space thats simple to manage. Jeffersred, sold under the trade name of AUTUMN BLAZE, is an older cultivar that was discovered by nurseryman Glenn Jeffers in the late 1960s. Autumn Blaze maple grows well in a variety of soils as well and should be planted in full sun for maximum fall color. Great to have these girls back fo, It may be snowing, but Bernie is turning up the he, Join our team and enjoy the outdoors! find the right Japanese Maple for your landscape. It can easily be kept shorter by pruning; you can grow it as a shrub if you wish. As a result, this maple has better cold climate hardiness and can be grown in 3-8 USDA hardiness zones. This hybrid has the strong branch attachment of the red maple and fast growth rate of the silver maple and is less susceptible to chlorosis (yellowing leaves) than red or silver maples. We passionately pursue our goal of providing hardy nursery stock to clients in SE Wisconsin and beyond. When the maple is rooted, you can stop watering. The American Red will also flourish in the extremely cold areas around Northern Maine, Wisconsin and Washington. your concerns and provide you with a one-time replacement if necessary. The amount of water should be 1-3 gallons depending on the size of the plant. Sugar Maples are definitely one species of maples that you stop and admire and take pictures. No matter if you have clay soil, loam, or sandy soil in your yard, this maple will do just fine. This is a good native choice if you're seeking a small tree for fall foliage color since it reaches a maximum height of just 30 feet and produces nice yellow leaves. Red maple is a variety of maple, while Autumn Blaze is a cultivar. This makes Firefall Maple an excellent choice for slightly smaller areas in the landscape. This is typical of Autumn Blaze Maple. When it was originally discovered, Autumn Blaze was assumed to be male, although female flowers appear on some trees and some produce samaras. Tolerance of Landscape Tree Species to Salt Spray (Overhead Irrigation With Recycled Water) and Soil Salinity, University of Minnesota Extension: Freeman Maple (Acer x Freemanii), University of Minnesota Extension: Red Maple (Acer Rubrum), Ohio State University: Acer x Freemanii - Freeman Maple (Aceraceae), Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California: Managing Pests in Gardens and Landscapes, MapleAcer spp, How to clean a showerhead, according to an expert. The Arboretum offers something for everyone in an unforgettable, tree-filled setting. [2] 'Armstrong', with a more yellow fall foliage Autumn Fantasy It has a strong central leader and better branching habit than silver maple. While the Autumn Blaze maple has a similar spread at maturity of 30-40 feet, it has a less dense canopy and does not typically grow as symmetrically. Scientific Name: Family: Sapindaceae. Fall color is a consistent orange-red. Although at first glance it seems less important than the first part of the article, knowing all the characteristics will help you make the right choice. The Autumn Blaze maple tree likes soil that drains well, and will adapt to sandy and heavy clay soils as long as they're well-drained. Height: 40 to 55 ft. Width: 30 to 40 ft. Autumn Blaze inherited its fast rate of growth from its silver maple side. The five-lobed leaves are deeply lobed, with toothed sinuses, and often resemble those of silver maple. Leaves are similar to silver maple, but this cultivar has a more uniform growth habit, making it more resistant to storm damage. Autumn Fantasy Maple is a Freeman Maple cultivar with rapid growth, good branch angles, consistent red fall color, and a wide site tolerance. We have seve, Ever get the feeling of being overwhelmed by how b, All of our trees are on sale! This tree grows very well in urban conditions, but, like the Norway maple, is considered invasive in some regions. Leaves are medium green with a silvery underside and fall color is red-orange to yellow, variable by cultivar. Hardiness Zone: 3 to 8. It's a medium-sized tree with a dense, broad-oval crown. Habit: This tree grows 50 feet tall, Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. freemani at the U. S. National Arboretum in 1933. While people are prepping for sweater weather and football season to start, theyre also getting pretty excited for vibrant fall colors. And while autumn is the top time to plant maples, spring is an excellent option as well. it right! Virginia Tech Dendrology: Red Maple, Aceraceae, Acer Rubrum L. UC Davis: Special Report for the Elvenia J. Slosson Endowment Fund: Table 2. No matter if you have clay soil, loam, or sandy soil in your yard, this maple will do just fine. In most cases, it will thrive even in poor soil. The Autumn Blaze maple is a deciduous tree with an attractive upward branching habit, rounded canopy, and deeply lobed maple leaves. Autumn Blaze tolerates a variety of soil types very well. Both Autumn Blaze and Firefall Maple sport showy red flowering/pollinating structures early each spring. While the Autumn Blaze maple has a similar spread at maturity of 30-40 feet, it has a less dense canopy and does not typically grow as symmetrically. [2], Even high-powered morphometric analyses of leaf shape cannot easily distinguish Acer freemanii individuals from the parent species. Fall color is an interesting mottled blend of red and green to burgundy, and yellow. Redpointe Maple is the exact opposite of Autumn Blaze in this regard. Species: x freemanii Jeffersred. Many states and counties have actually declared it legally invasivewhich means it's a no-go for planting. We have seve, Ever get the feeling of being overwhelmed by how b, All of our trees are on sale! 3. These black spots form on the leaves in late summer/early fall and may cause premature leaf drop. WebIt prefers well-drained moist, acidic soil in the full sun to partial shade. Redpointe Red Maple is a perfect example of why the Red Maple is a standout in the landscape with a pyramidal shape, exceptional disease resistance, and consistently striking red color. WebUsually infertile (a desirable trait in cultivated maples), they have stronger branch attachments than silver maples and faster growth rates than red maples. Firefall Maple is a strictly male tree that produces no seed crop, while Autumn Blaze produces a noticeable crop of seed each late spring. The Autumn Blaze maple tree likes soil that drains well, and will adapt to sandy and heavy clay soils as long as they're well-drained. WebAutumn Blaze is one of the most popular hybrid maples in the US and is also very popular in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and France. Andrew Hughes is a certified arborist and member of the International Society of Arborists specializing in tree heal care. A Chicagoland Grows introduction. However, when growing in well-drained and slightly acidic soil, it often provides a lovely red color that transitions from yellow-orange. Genus: Acer. In the fall, Sugar maples are standouts with golden to reddish-orange foliage colors. This tree can tolerate nutrient-poor soil, but, the more moist and fertile the planting medium, the better the tree will thrive. 3. The fact that Firefall Maple is seedless makes it highly desirable for use in both public and private spaces. WebAutumn Fantasy Maple is a Freeman Maple cultivar with rapid growth, good branch angles, consistent red fall color, and a wide site tolerance. From dry leaves to discoloration, get our expert guide to diagnosing and treating common plant problems and keep your plants growing healthy this season and beyond! This is important because it is not always possible to plant a tree in full sun. Take a look at our Maple Collection! Once trees are established they can tolerate some drought. In spring and summer, the deeply lobed leaves are medium green. Like other hybrid maples such as Autumn Blaze, Matador, Sienna Glen, Common name: Autumn Blaze Freeman maple Botanical name: Acer x freemanii Jeffersred Exposure: Full sun to part shade Foliage: Autumn Blaze maple earns its name from the brilliant red color that its leaves turn in the fall. Firefall Maple has lovely cutleaf foliage that adds an extra dimension of texture and a refined look that is hard to find in most other maple varieties that are hardy enough for Minnesotas climate. Verticillium wilt (fungus) and maple bladder gall are potential problems for maples. Fall color is a consistent orange-red. Ultimately, autumn blaze maple is popular and well known. Let's get growing! Let's get growing! This selection can be considered an improvement on Autumn Blaze Maple due to its improved branching habit and more rapid growth. Redpointe Maple is slightly darker than Autumn Blaze. The growth rate of this cultivar is about four times faster than that of a red maple. [2] 'Armstrong', with a more yellow fall foliage Autumn Fantasy WebSpecific epithet and common name honors Oliver Freeman who first grew A. The Autumn Blaze maple tops out at 55 feet, with a 30- to 40-foot spread. [2] 'Armstrong', with a more yellow fall foliage Autumn Fantasy Produces no fruit. If you're not The branches are quite strong and can withstand a relatively wide canopy of foliage. The increased attention to red maples is not surprising at all because of their great looks. The next common feature is the leaves. Blair is the Content Marketing Manager at, and though she's not your traditional gardener, the planting world is definitely growing on her (pun intended!). Autumn Blaze inherited its fast rate of growth from its silver maple side. City parkway, Residential and parks, Wide median, Zone 5 (Northern Illinois), Zone 6 (City of Chicago), Zone 7, Zone 8, Alkaline soil, Clay soil, Dry sites, Occasional drought, Occasional flooding, Wet sites, Freemans maple is of hybrid origin, a cross between two native trees, red maple (, are potential problems for maples. Our wholesale clientele of municipalities, landscape contractors, garden centers, and other nurseries can arrange to pick up material either in Menomonee Falls or our Jackson, WI Farm holding yards. Originally, it was thought to be a male tree, but has produced fruit in some cases. These plants are cultivars of a hybrid of two trees that are native to the Chicago region according to Swink and Wilhelms Plants of the Chicago Region, with updates made according to current research. In the spring and summer, the leaves are a shade of rich green that develop shades of gold, orange and red during fall. A cross between Red and Silver Maples, these hybrids combine the best features of both parents. With so many selections, the range of sizes can vary from 6 to 75 plus. But if you want to get a big tree faster, you need to water it in the 3rd and 4th year or even longer. Spread of 30-40 feet wide grow it as a result, this ornamental tree spreads to 50 feet tall spread. Maples is not surprising at all because of their great looks Ever get the of! Some regions making it more resistant to storm damage balanced amount of all necessary.... 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