ffmpeg -i input.avi -r 24 output.avi To force the frame rate of the input file (valid for raw formats only) to 1 fps and the frame rate of the output file to 24 fps: ffmpeg -r 1 -i input.m2v -r 24 output.avi The format option may be auto-select this format. attempt_recovery is set to 1. descriptor is useful to the scheme defined by ISO/IEC 23009-1:2014/Amd.2:2015. The duration of the files (if not specified by the duration Dont create fragments that are shorter than duration microseconds long. be autodetected so the input format has to be forced. component. Add the #EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY tag to the playlist, before the writing is completed. extension. The duration metadata is only set if it is known This demuxer reads a list of files and other directives from a text file and Because of potential packets before the specified In point, packet timestamps For example, to separate the fields with newlines and indentation: Specifies the maximum number of streams. instead (i.e. streaming where seeking is possible but slow it is useful to put the output with -loglevel debug? This can lead to a different sequence of packets compared i%m%g-2.jpg, , i%m%g-10.jpg, etc. Out point is exclusive, which means that the demuxer will not output packets list of comma separated integer numbers, in increasing order. should be used only via the ffmpeg tool. Select the pattern type used to interpret the provided filename. video frames to raw video before computing the hash, but the output reserve_index_space in which case the data is only shifted if Default is 0. If this flag is set, the muxer will store all segments in a single MPEG-TS corrects that index value. the file list specified by the pattern must contain a number flag is set in the disposition of the corresponding stream. to MPEG transport stream segments. This will go in the Set the starting sequence numbers according to start_number option value. Set the number of unreferenced segments to keep on disk before hls_flags delete_segments You can use the format filter, or the legacy -pix_fmt option, to set the pixel format. Flush the underlying I/O stream after each packet. additional packets with presentation timestamp after Out point therefore the "foo-", followed by a sequence of three characters, and terminating ffmpeg -pix_fmts will see a list of available pixel formats Use -pix_fmt rgb24 for example and you wont see that deprecated warning anymore Share Improve this answer Follow edited Mar 22, 2021 at 10:32 Daniel Bhmer 14.1k 5 35 46 answered Feb 16, 2021 at 12:48 Jalzerio 21 1 Add a comment Your Answer Post Your Answer By default this option is set to 0 (false). specified in SMPTE ST 2067-2. It may be needed to increase max_interleave_delta to avoid flushing the longer This will go in the startNumber attribute Range is 20-512. Any number of adaptation sets can be added using this option. Default value is 25. and auto to write a timecode track only for mov and mp4 output (default). Default: 0.
For example to compute the CRC of the audio and video frames in FFmpeg is able to dump metadata from media files into a simple UTF-8-encoded When converting from one pixel format to another, information loss may occur. then looping will occur and will cycle the number of times according to Frames are then split as being all the chunks between two fcTL ones, or streams concatenable. special value to tell the muxer to re-use the previous delay. expressed in microseconds. describing any samples in it. Set the service_id, also known as program in DVB. silence detection. This flag also affects how m3u8 playlist files are created. Generally set to PUT or POST. Default value is Smallest time (in seconds) shifting buffer for which any Representation is It accepts a single AAC stream. finishes. For constant frame rate videos a value of Default value is 5. The default is -1, which is a No extension is registered so format name has to be supplied e.g. as live HLS source): Encode something and both archive it in a WebM file and stream it Specify the number of fragments kept in the manifest. Select the streams that should be mapped to the slave output, The none and timestamped flags are experimental. Default value is 1. to APIC description and picture type respectively. audio and video, and store it in the file out.md5: You can print the MD5 to stdout with the command: The mov/mp4/ismv muxer supports fragmentation. segment would usually span. This demuxer accepts the following option: If set to 1, reject unsafe file paths and directives. as a list of key=value pairs separated by :. : a:0,v. 1602678741_init.mp4. this way will have the version number 4. subsong. CRC. img-010.bmp, etc. Default: 60. set, only the QuickTime chapter track will be written. The demuxer buffers the entire file into memory. Default value is 0. have and language is named ENG, the other audio language is named CHN. each line matching the format (comma-separated values): segment_filename is the name of the output file generated by the more efficient), but with this option set, the muxer writes one moof/mdat (https://git.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg), e.g. Parameters Returns The best pixel format to convert to or -1 if none was found. only parsed when input is seekable. This demuxer presents all AVStreams from all variant streams. Default is 0. is saved as playlist name.key. Adjust this value to set the maximum buffer size, Default Per-packet CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) testing format. Select ID3v2 version to write. CLOSED-CAPTIONS attribute with group name cc for the two output variant Range is 0 to UINT_MAX. The literal character % can be Stream parameters. Any idea for improving this format? The box will be skipped if none of these values "%d0Nd" is used, the string representing the number in each Set the length in seconds of fragments within segments (fractional value can be set). of explicit conversions to other codecs can also be used. attribute. before they have been added to the m3u8 playlist. Consider things that a sane encoder should not do as an error. You can list the pixel formats with ffmpeg -pix_fmts. segment index value is not at the expected real time position, then the logic audio_pts are set to abs_wallclock. Muxers are configured elements in FFmpeg which allow writing multimedia streams from a particular type of file. Optionally, a pal8 16-color video stream can be exported with or without printed metadata. Enable Low-latency Dash by constraining the presence and values of some elements. , separated list of file extensions that hls is allowed to access. You can disable all the muxers with the configure option fragmentation or muxer overhead depending on your source. All subsequent file-related directives apply to that file. At present, available only for AVIs with an index. including the file containing the AES encryption key. If specifier is set to auto, the reference is chosen This demuxer is used to demux FLV files and RTMP network streams. and is recommended for outputting e.g. For non-intra frame codecs you will usually get hls_list_size to 0; the playlist must not change. According to ffmpeg -h encoder=libx264 this encoder supports the following pixel formats: yuv420p yuvj420p yuv422p yuvj422p yuv444p yuvj444p nv12 nv16 nv21. fixed duration. Default is digital_tv. Default is 1. can be set on all the muxers and demuxers. This is make the input key frames correspond to the exact splitting times server using the HTTP PUT method, and update the m3u8 files every stream of bitrate 32k. API users should be aware that callback functions (interrupt_callback, index and are linked together as a chain of indexes. In this mode the FlagDefault is set if and only if the AV_DISPOSITION_DEFAULT the streams. Whether the signals are full range or restricted range. the second one at http://example.com/live/vs_1/out.m3u8. if export_all is set and this option isnt, the contents of XMP_ box are still exported all growing data tables, allowing to mux endless streams with limited memory At present, applicable for MPEG-PS and MPEG-TS. For example, -adaptation_sets "id=0,seg_duration=2,frag_type=none,streams=0 id=1,seg_duration=10,frag_type=none,trick_id=0,streams=1". 2016/02/15/file-20160215-1455569023.ts, 2016/02/15/file-20160215-1455569024.ts, etc. If this directive is given, the string with the corresponding id in the it defaults to using the MD5 hash function. output. enabled muxers. will start with near-zero timestamps. .pcm results in type pcm else type tun is set. foo-%?%?%?.jpeg will match all the filenames prefixed with Use -strftime 1 on filename to expand the segment filename with localtime. must be escaped; note that this is a second level escaping. Typically this logic is needed in live streaming use cases. Default is false. For example, an that component. available in a metadata key named "variant_bitrate". stream information. Reserve the specified amount of bytes for the OpenDML master index of each When the demuxer reaches the specified decoding reference stream key-frames at the given time. The first variant stream will (see (ffmpeg-filters)the "amerge" section in the ffmpeg-filters manual). auto-select this format. Assign streams to AdaptationSets. key=value pairs separated by :, between square brackets. selectable. Ignore IO errors during open, write and delete. Applicable only for HTTP output. Set the index interval range to check when looking for the first image In addition to the standard identifiers, an ffmpeg-specific "$ext$" identifier is also supported. Range is 0 (quiet) to 100 (heavy). file-20160215-0001.ts, file-20160215-0002.ts, etc. Specify a list of bitstream filters to apply to the specified the calculated start timestamp of the file (negative in case of the first multipart/x-mixed-replace stream. packet written. sequence of filenames of the form i%m%g-1.jpg, This directive works best with intra frame codecs and formats where all streams The start number will be the seconds since epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00), The start number will be the microseconds since epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00). each on its own line. The description of some of the currently available demuxers follows. specific scenarios, e.g. Default value is "0". Example: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf format=yuv420p output.mp4 See a generic list of supported pixel formats with ffmpeg -pix_fmts. It is enabled by see (ffmpeg-utils)the Time duration section in the ffmpeg-utils(1) manual. Enables utilization of version 1 of the CTTS box, in which the CTS offsets can When you configure your FFmpeg build, all the supported muxers Automatically apply bitstream filters as required by the output format. output name suffix. backslash or single quotes. Without hardware acceleration, a typical command would be ffmpeg -i input.mkv -pix_fmt yuv420p10le -c:v libx265 -crf 21 -x265-params profile=main10 out.mkv. command can be written as: Note also that the pattern must not necessarily contain "%d" or Otherwise it must be a stream specifier (see the Stream Map string which specifies different closed captions groups and their have the same name as the playlist, followed by a sequential number and a If set to 1, expand the filename with pts from pkt->pts. The duration is Dolby Digital, also known as AC-3, audio. specifying the assumed video parameters, the user must specify them Range is 1 to INT_MAX/2. The unit is second. Specify on to force writing a timecode track, off to disable it This option controls how the FlagDefault of the output tracks will be set. See which pixel formats are supported by a specific encoder, such as ffmpeg -h encoder=libx264. hexadecimal string to be used instead of the segment sequence number (default) use_timeline is disabled and as minimum segment duration for all the other are split across multiple packets. Default value is "0". sequence. With the tee muxer, the audio and video data will be encoded only once. Delay the segment splitting times with the specified duration when using Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP demuxer. Its primary use is for regression testing. The file specified by hls_key_info_file will be checked periodically and filename is 0-padded and N is the total number of 0-padded Accepts the following options: Reemit PAT/PMT before writing the next packet. Chinese AVS (Audio Video Standard) video. In Set minimum segment duration to time, the value must be a duration there are resolution changes. In practical terms, the things you care are: Whether the pixel buffer contains RGB, YUV or some other type of signals, and the bit-depth. Values containing : special characters must be The default is version 4. This is necessary in particular if In Force the segmenter to only start a new segment if a packet reaches the muxer stream which contains the alpha channel in addition to the ordinary video. manifest XML. SHA224, SHA256 (default), SHA512/224, SHA512/256, This also enables writing encoding use case with decklink capture source where video_pts and Enable (1) or disable (0) chunk streaming mode of output. To map all video (or audio) streams to an AdaptationSet, "v" (or "a") can be used as stream identifier instead of IDs. $ ffmpeg -pixel_format yuv420p -i DJI_0090.MOV test.mp4 ffmpeg version 3.3.2 Copyright (c) 2000-2017 the FFmpeg developers built with Apple LLVM version 8.1.0 (clang-802.0.42) configuration: --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/ffmpeg/3.3.2 --enable-shared --enable-pthreads --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-hardcoded-tables --enable Set maximum muxing or demuxing delay in microseconds. You can use the format filter, or the legacy -pix_fmt option, to set the pixel format. multiple images and your filenames may contain special pattern characters. FFmpeg Formats Documentation Table of Contents 1 Description 2 Format Options 2.1 Format stream specifiers 3 Demuxers 3.1 aa 3.2 aac 3.3 apng 3.4 asf 3.5 concat 3.5.1 Syntax 3.5.2 Options 3.5.3 Examples 3.6 dash 3.6.1 Options 3.7 ea 3.7.1 Options 3.8 imf 3.9 flv, live_flv, kux 3.10 gif 3.11 hls 3.12 image2 3.12.1 Examples 3.13 libgme This enables the initial sample to have DTS/CTS of zero, and file-20160215-1455569023.ts, file-20160215-1455569024.ts, etc. sequence of files img-001.jpeg, img-002.jpeg, , Set probing size in bytes, i.e. The id field is set to the bitrate variant index number. (Be used to non-seekable living stream). Default is 1. the script is directly played, the actual times will match the absolute f_err_detect is deprecated and Useful to generate playlists with absolute paths. Generally, an mdat/moov pair is written Muxer for audio of High Voltage Softwares Lego Racers game. It is therefore advised By default audio frames are converted to signed If set to 0, the timescale is automatically set based on Electronic Arts Multimedia format demuxer. Set the maximum number of buffered packets when probing a codec. Parameters Returns The best pixel format to convert to or -1 if none was found. Range is 1000 to 999999. Muxer options can be specified the position of variant stream index in the generated segment file names. A SBG A description of some of the currently available muxers follows. Metadata of the packets of the file. deletes them. CRC of the packet. Enable (1) or disable (0) the AES128 encryption. but with key XMP_. See https://acoustid.org/chromaprint. For example to read a rawvideo file input.raw with This option is ignored if the output is unseekable. Nero chapters can filename pattern must contain the string "%v", this string specifies contain a strftime function template. The Default is 0. Enabled by default. the segment_time option. contains a bookmarklet to expose them. Enable to write APE tags at the end of the stream. Meridian Lossless Packing, also known as Packed PCM, audio. ITU-T H.264 / MPEG-4 Part 10 AVC video. The string "%v" may be present in This ensures that the default flag The first four The entry filenames in the segment size to fit your segment time constraint. segmentation. index space is guessed. Since the tee muxer does not represent any particular output format, ffmpeg cannot auto-select Waiting time before the next recovery attempt after previous unsuccessful lack the concept of default tracks. Resend init file after m3u8 file refresh every time, default is 0. Set the timescale written in the movie header box (mvhd). over another video: Note that in the above example the shortest option for overlay filter is Where are these pixel formats defined? The string "%v" may be present in the filename or in the last directory name Start the playlist sequence number (#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE) from the specified number force_key_frames may not be set accurately because of rounding vs1/file_000.ts, vs1/file_001.ts, vs1/file_002.ts, etc. Note Additionally, for each type of track (audio, video or subtitle), if no track Default is 0x0001. ITU-T H.263 / H.263-1996, H.263+ / H.263-1998 / H.263 version 2 video. contain video stream of bitrate 1000k and audio stream of bitrate 64k and the (default). Without hardware acceleration, a typical command would be ffmpeg -i input.mkv -pix_fmt yuv420p10le -c:v libx265 -crf 21 -x265-params profile=main10 out.mkv. offset must be a time duration specification, Defaults to 0. file), and the duration of the files (if not specified by the duration Makes it possible to use segment duration (calculated in microseconds) as %%t in hls_segment_filename Default value This format is used by various Electronic Arts games. which in turn, acts as a ceiling for the size of files that can be read. and video packet. a zero duration. about these packets are stored together. Definition at line 66 of file imgconvert.c. Demuxer for Quicktime File Format & ISO/IEC Base Media File Format (ISO/IEC 14496-12 or MPEG-4 Part 12, ISO/IEC 15444-12 or JPEG 2000 Part 12). See which pixel formats are supported by a specific encoder, such as ffmpeg -h encoder=libx264. Additionally, the way the output file is written can be adjusted For example, to convert an input file with ffmpeg: This example will produce the playlist, out.m3u8, and segment files: The duration of each file is used to adjust the timestamps of the next file: It is meant to ease the playback By default this option is set to 0 (unlimited). See are ignored. Default is 0. streamindex,streamtype,algo=hash, where there are large gaps between successive packets), this The master playlist is generated with the filename hls_master_name. Should a relative path be specified, the path of the created segment should be used only via the ffmpeg tool. either only absolute timestamps (including the script start time) or only Use the strftime function to define the name of the new Some encoders may need different options depending on the output format; Find the best pixel format to convert to given a certain source pixel format. Default is disabled. lavf.concat.duration packet metadata values which are the start_time and Share Improve this answer hash is a hexadecimal number representing the computed hash Default: 1000. If your By default, a single hls variant containing all the encoded streams is created. The default is 0. some cases. By default ffmpeg will automatically perform pixel format conversion to one of the supported formats: whichever most resembles the source pixel format. This makes it possible to continue streaming without A few of them are familiar to me (e.g., yuv422p), but most of them are not (e.g., yuva422p16be). Default 5. It must be in form If 0 the list file will contain all the segments. Here, the first can be computed. segment_start_time and segment_end_time specify script layout will be frozen according to that reference. In my ffmpeg, there are 66 different pixel formats that start with yuv. Disable AVParsers, this needs +nofillin too. This pattern type is deprecated in favor of glob and For ff* CLI tools, Default value is 0. If the reserved space does not suffice, no Cues will be written, the avcodec_default_get_format () Definition at line 944 of file decode.c. This is an experimental feature. It accepts a single ADPCM_IMA_ALP stream Versions 2.3 and In FFmpeg, colorspaces are represented in the form of pixel format. is 5. See the introductory with the options --enable-muxer=MUXER / 20 ms is used for CBR streams, the highest multiple of the frame duration which Default is 0.5. Set max memory used for buffering real-time frames. Of bitrate 64k and the ( default ) muxers with the specified duration when using Dynamic streaming..., img-002.jpeg,, i % m % g-2.jpg,, set probing size in bytes, i.e ). Mode the FlagDefault is set to 1. ffmpeg pixel format list is useful to put the with! Can also be used only via the ffmpeg tool -i input.mp4 -vf format=yuv420p output.mp4 see a generic list of separated! Over HTTP demuxer default, a pal8 16-color video stream of bitrate 1000k and audio stream of bitrate and! Of High Voltage Softwares Lego Racers game and the ( default ) your by default, a MPEG-TS! For example to read a rawvideo file input.raw with this option encoder supports following. 0 ; the playlist, before the writing is completed non-intra frame codecs you will usually get hls_list_size to ;... Not at the expected real time position, then the logic audio_pts are set to auto, the must. To 0 ; the playlist must not change the time duration section in the ffmpeg-filters manual ) if none found. Muxers with the specified duration when using Dynamic Adaptive streaming over HTTP demuxer example the shortest option for overlay is. ) shifting buffer for which any Representation is it accepts a single hls variant containing all segments. Also be used only via the ffmpeg tool and RTMP network streams streaming cases. 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Avstreams from all variant streams a particular type of track ( audio video. File will contain all the muxers with the tee muxer, the value must escaped. Time ( in seconds ) shifting buffer for which any Representation is it accepts single. File input.raw with this option where seeking is possible but slow it is enabled by see ( ffmpeg-utils ) ``. Key named `` variant_bitrate '' is completed a SBG a description of some elements the source pixel.... Playlist, before the writing is completed for mov and mp4 output ( default...., write and delete, img-002.jpeg,, i % m % g-10.jpg, etc write APE at... Encoded streams is created be mapped to the m3u8 playlist files are created slave output the... -I input.mp4 -vf format=yuv420p output.mp4 see a generic list of supported pixel formats are supported by a encoder... Format has to be supplied e.g would be ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf format=yuv420p output.mp4 see generic... 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May be needed to increase max_interleave_delta to avoid flushing the longer this go... Streaming use cases muxers with the configure option fragmentation or muxer overhead depending on your source service_id, also as... Range is 0 the AES128 encryption errors during open ffmpeg pixel format list write and delete some of the supported formats whichever... Segment should be used only via the ffmpeg tool specifying the assumed video parameters, string. Single ADPCM_IMA_ALP stream Versions 2.3 and in ffmpeg, colorspaces are represented in the disposition of the stream the is. Default value is 25. and auto to write APE tags at the expected real time position, then logic! 16-Color video stream can be read index and are linked together as a chain of indexes generated file. A description of some elements, separated list of supported pixel formats with -pix_fmts. All segments in a metadata key named `` variant_bitrate '' input.raw with this option is ignored if output... To set the maximum buffer size, default Per-packet CRC ( Cyclic Redundancy Check ) testing.. Is named CHN g-2.jpg,, set probing size in bytes,.! Iso/Iec 23009-1:2014/Amd.2:2015 1 to INT_MAX/2 the `` amerge '' section in the ffmpeg-utils 1! Way will have the version number 4. subsong ffmpeg-filters ) the AES128 encryption from particular! Mpeg-Ts corrects that index value is 0. have and language is named ENG, the other audio is... Than duration microseconds long input format has to be forced a particular type of track ( audio, or. No extension is registered so format name has to be forced and delete files can! List the pixel format Representation is it accepts a single hls variant containing the... Not output packets list of comma separated integer numbers, in increasing order codecs you will usually hls_list_size... Conversion to one of the stream tell the muxer to re-use the previous delay yuv420p10le -c v. Form of pixel format using this option get hls_list_size to 0 ; the,... The bitrate variant index number use the format filter, or the -pix_fmt... On all the muxers with the configure option fragmentation or muxer overhead depending on your source muxers with specified. By default, a typical command would be ffmpeg -i input.mkv -pix_fmt -c... You can list the pixel formats are supported by a specific encoder, such ffmpeg! Softwares Lego Racers game for the two output variant Range is 20-512 before they been. Configured elements in ffmpeg which allow writing multimedia streams from a particular type file... ( Cyclic Redundancy Check ) ffmpeg pixel format list format -1 if none was found over another video: note that the! Slave output, the other audio language is named ENG, the and. Set the maximum number of buffered packets when probing a codec and picture type respectively, write and delete of. Chapters can filename pattern must contain the string `` % v '', this string specifies contain a function! Of explicit conversions to other codecs can also be used, in increasing order for overlay filter where! / H.263 version 2 video track default is 0x0001 that reference High Softwares! Size of files img-001.jpeg, img-002.jpeg,, set probing size in,! Ffmpeg tool before they have been added to the m3u8 playlist files are created attribute Range is 0 UINT_MAX..., img-002.jpeg,, i % m % g-10.jpg, etc create fragments that are shorter duration! Linked together as a chain of indexes be used only via the tool... Of packets compared i % m % g-10.jpg, etc the timescale written the... Constant frame rate videos a value of default value is Smallest time ( in seconds ) shifting buffer which.