| 501(c)(3) Non-profit Credit Counseling Organization. Specialties include geographic intelligence, counterintelligence, image interpretation and analysis. An officer with the naval aviator designator of 1310 might have an AQD of DV3, SH-60F carrier anti-submarine warfare helicopter pilot, or DB4, F-14 fighter pilot. LIGHT AIR DEFENSE ARTILLERY CREWMEMBER 378.684-030. The aircraft maintenance occupational fields include direct and indirect support of the total airframes as well as power plant pack of all aircraft weapons systems. At bases and forward operating sites, Military Police and the Naval Master at Arms ratings are assigned the task of maintaining safety and keeping the peace by establishing security procedures, controlling access, enforcing existing laws, and deploying defensive tactics as necessary. An individual must complete and pass all required training for their military occupational specialty qualification (MOSQ). MOS designations can include civilian workplace equivalents, such as administration, engineering, construction, information technology, communications, logistics, maintenance, healthcare, and so on. Retrieved from, Powers, R. (2019, July 24) U.S. Military Enlistment Process and Job Selection. The fifth code symbol was an SQI code letter indicating training in a special skill (the letter "O" indicating that the soldier had no SQI). The United States Coast Guard does not use the military occupational specialty concept either, instead dividing their occupational specialties into groups such as aviation, administrative and scientific, deck and weapons, and engineering and hull. The Air Force has 123 enlisted AFSCs that are made up of five alphanumeric of Veterans Affairs, please visit their website atva.gov. [2] These reduced officer AFSCs from 216 to 123 and enlisted AFSCs from 203 to 176. Military Occupation Codes. Soldiers without any ASIs are assigned the default ASI of "mk lmk00" (zero-zero). of Veterans Affairs , the Dept. They are then followed by the SQI, ASI, and SLI as an enlisted MOS would be. In practice, warrant officer MOSC are very similar to enlisted codes except they begin with three digits instead of two before the first letter, and do not have a "skill level" identifier. Assignments include transporting equipment and personnel, as well as delivering combat action to enemy ground troops. Upon completion of required training, the Marine is reclassified from their "basic MOS" to a "primary MOS" in which Marines generally will serve the remainder of their careers, be assigned, seek promotion, and be retained. Its assignment: defeat enemy ground troops. Examples would be a recruiter, first sergeant, or military training instructor. Tank and Assault Amphibious Vehicle (18) Marines help operate and maintain the vehicle and up-gunned weapons station. Career field subdivision (Numerical, different for each), Specific AFSC (Numeric, specialty within career field subdivision), 1A3X1 Airborne Mission Systems Specialist, 1A8X1 Airborne Cryptologic Language Analyst, 1C3X1 Command and Control Operations (C2 OPS), 1C5X1 Command and Control Battle Management Ops (1C5X1D Weapons Director), 1C8X3 Radar, Airfield & Weather Systems (RAWS), 1D Cyber Defense Operations; implemented on 31 October 2021 as a direct replacement for 3DXXX career fields, 1D7X3 Cable and Antenna Defense Operations, 1U1X1 Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) Pilot, 2A0X1 Avionics Test Station and Components, 2A2X1 Special Operations Forces/Personnel Recovery (SOF/PR) Integrated Communication/Navigation/Mission Systems, 2A2X2 Special Operations Forces/Personnel Recovery (SOF/PR) Integrated Instrument and Flight Control Systems, 2A2X3 Special Operations Forces/Personnel Recovery (SOF/PR) Integrated Electronic Warfare Systems, 2A3X4 Fighter Aircraft Integrated Avionics (A-10, U-2, F-15, F-16), 2A3X5 Advanced Fighter Aircraft Integrated Avionics (F-22, F-35, MQ-1, MQ-9, RQ-4), 2A3X7 Tactical Aircraft Maintenance (5th Generation) (F-22, F-35), 2A3X8 Remotely Piloted Aircraft Maintenance, 2A5X1 Airlift/Special Mission Aircraft Maintenance, 2A5X4 Refuel/Bomber Aircraft Maintenance, 2A6X6 Aircraft Electrical and Environmental Systems, 2A7X5 Low Observable Aircraft Structural Maintenance, 2A8X1 Mobility Air Forces Integrated Communication/Navigation/Mission Systems, 2A8X2 Mobility Air Forces Integrated Instrument and Flight Control Systems, 2A9X1 Bomber/Special Integrated Communication/Navigation/Mission Systems, 2A9X2 Bomber/Special Integrated Instrument and Flight Control Systems, 2A9X3 Bomber/Special Electronic Warfare and Radar Surveillance Integrated Avionics, 2M Missile and Space Systems Maintenance, 2M0X1 Missile and Space Systems Electronic Maintenance, 2M0X2 Missile and Space Systems Maintenance, 2P Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory, 2P0X1 Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory, 2R1X1 Maintenance Management Production, 2T3X1 Mission Generation Vehicular Equipment Maintenance, 2T3X1A Firefighting and Refueling Vehicle & Equipment Maintenance, 2T3X1C Material Handling Equipment (MHE)/463L Maintenance, 3E2X1 Pavements and Construction Equipment, 3E4X1 Water and Fuel Systems Maintenance, 4N0X1B Neurodiagnostic Medical Technician, 4N0X1C Independent Duty Medical Technician, 4N0X1D Allergy/Immunization Medical Technician, 4N0X1F Flight and Operational Medical Technician, 6F0X1 Financial Management and Comptroller, 8C000 Airman & Family Readiness Center RNCO, 8I200 Complaints & Resolution Coordinator, 8L500 Air Advisor Advanced, Team Sergeant, 8L600 Air Advisor Advanced, Team Leader, 8L800 Combat Aviation Advisor Team Sergeant, 8L900 Combat Aviation Advisor Team Leader, 8T000 Professional Military Education Instructor, 8T100 Enlisted Professional Military Education Instructional System Designer, 8U100 Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Team, 9A000 Awaiting Retraining-Reasons beyond Control, 9A100 Awaiting Retraining-Reasons within Control, 9A200 Awaiting Discharge/Separation/Retirement for Reasons Within Their Control, 9A300 Awaiting Discharge/Separation/Retirement for Reasons Beyond Their Control, 9A400 Disqualified Airman, Return to Duty Program, 9A500 Temporarily Ineligible for Retraining Disqualified for Reasons Beyond Control, 9D100 AF Developmental Senior Enlisted Positions, 9D200 Key Developmental Senior Enlisted Positions, 9E100 Command Chief Executive Assistant, 9F000 First Term Airmen Center (FTAC) NCOIC, 9L100 Enlisted Engagement Manager/International Affairs, 9M000 Military Entrance Processing Command (MEPCOM) Senior Enlisted Advisor, 9M200 International Health Specialists (IHS), 9M400 Chief, Medical Enlisted Force (CMEF), 9N000 Secretary of the Air Force Enlisted Legislative Fellows, 9Q000 Reserve Force Generation and Oversight NCO, 9R000 Civil Air Patrol (CAP)-USAF Reserve Assistance NCO, 9S100 Scientific Applications Specialist, 9T500 Basic Special Warfare Enlisted Airman, 9U000 Enlisted Airman Ineligible for Local Utilization, 9U100 Unallotted Enlisted Authorization, 9V000 Key Developmental Joint Senior Enlisted Position, 9W200 Combat Wounded Warrior with Exemptions, 9W400 Wounded Warrior Limited Assignment Status (LAS), 9W900 Wounded Warrior Project Planner/Officer, 1N5X1 Electronic Signals Intelligence Exploitation Apprentice, 1N6X1 Electronic Systems Security Assessment Apprentice, 2A5X3 Mobility Air Forces Electronic Warfare Systems, 3C - Communications (deactivated on 1 November 2009 and replaced by 3DXXX), 3C0X1 - Communications - Computer Systems Operations, 3D190 Cyberspace Support Superintendent (merged with 3D090 in 2015), 3N0X2 Broadcast Journalist (merged with 3N0X6 effective 1 October 2020), 3N0X5 Photojournalist (merged with 3N0X6 effective 1 October 2020), 4M0X1 Aerospace and Operational Physiology (renamed 1H0X1), Utilization Field (Numerical, different for each), Functional Area (Alpha, different for each), 0 Qualified commander (when used in conjunction with C in the 3rd position). The Air Force Specialty Code, or AFSC, features five-digit codes for enlisted airmen and four officers. WebMILITARY OCCUPATIONAL SPECIALTY CODES Following are the updated, new, and the older MOS codes for the U. S. Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and U. S. AIR FORCE CODES Current MOS Codes 1992-MOS Codes Prior to 1992 MOS Codes Title Creditable Experience 2A333 45234 43131 Tactical Aircraft Maintenance They gather news and stories distributed via writing or through television broadcasts. This is similar to the career management field of the enlisted personnel. The AFSC is similar to the Military Occupational Specialty Codes (MOS Codes) used by the United States Army and the United States And occasionally for Airmen chosen for specialized jobs. Sample results: Air Force specialty codes (AFSC) The code "10C0" is the United States Air Force It consisted of the three-symbol field specialty code of two numbers and a specialty code letter and ended in the SQI letter code. If a ranking or list has a company noted to be a partner the indicated company is a corporate affiliate of Veteran.com. Career branch numbers range from 11 to 92. Officer AFSCs consist of four characters and enlisted AFSCs consist of five characters. The Coast Guard has nearly two dozen ratings for enlistees. ASI P5 for "master fitness trainer"). Enter your email for updates and we'll send them straight to your inbox! The content on Veteran.com is produced by Three Creeks Media, its partners, affiliates and contractors, any opinions or statements on Veteran.com should not be attributed to the Dept. The officer AFSC consists of four alphanumeric characters: As with enlisted AFSCs, prefixes and suffixes may be applied to make the AFSC more specific. Web8343 Maintenance Technician Airframe or Powerplant U. S. NAVY CODES (Continued) U. S. MARINE CORP CODES U. S. MARINE CORP CODES (Continued) Legal Services (44) Marines assist military officers who have studied law and are licensed attorneys. So, study hard for this test. Coast Guardsmen wear a rating badge indicating their rating as part of their rate (rank) insignia on full dress and service dress uniforms. Among the letters. MPs also investigate crimes and have arrest authority. Utilities (11) Marines plan and provide utilities to support posts and stations. WebINTELLIGENCE SPECIALIST 059.267-014. Jobs include basic legal services, legal services specialist and legal services reporter. The Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) is an alphanumeric code used by the United States Air Force to identify a specific job. The AFSC is similar to the Military Occupational Specialty Codes (MOS Codes) used by the United States Army and the United States Marine Corps or enlisted ratings and USN officer designators and Naval Officer Billet Classifications (NOBCs) used by the United States Navy and enlisted ratings and USCG officer specialties used by the United States Coast Guard. Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) Codes and Description of Duties DODI 1312.01 Department of Defense Occupational Information Collection and Reporting Military Occupational Specialties (MOS), Air Force Specialty First three characters: the MOS. Must be experts in mobility, counter-mobility, survival and general engineering. The fourth number in the AFSC is the Airmans skill level. They also capture videos pertinent to the mission and use software to clean up video and images useful for missions. When an enlisted soldier is promoted from sergeant first class to master sergeant in most career types, that soldier will be reclassified administratively to the "senior sergeant" of their career management field. Each branch has its own way of identifying each job. The first three numbers were the career field, then a letter code for the field specialty, and ended in the SQI code letter. Additionally, there will no longer be a distinction between 'airman, fireman and seaman. In this case, the 7 skill level is a craftsman. Upon promotion to E-5, Airmen begin training for the 7 (craftsman) skill level. Usually, the PAFSC, DAFSC, and CAFSC will be the same. Each field contains multiple MOS's, each designated by a four-digit numerical indicator and a job title. An MOS, or military occupational specialty, involves the breathtakingly wide range of jobs carried out by members of the United States armed forces more than10,000 different specialties covering a vast array of skills, interests, opportunities, and levels of responsibility. Military Intelligence collects and shares essential information with combat soldiers regarding targeting, enemy forces, and capabilities. For officers, the MOS 0802 indicates that it is in occupational field 08 (field artillery) and designates the "field artillery officer" (02) MOS. Master at Arms (MA) responsibilities include running security patrols and law enforcement operations, operating brigs (jails), and providing protection for high-ranking dignitaries and government officials. OSI conducts criminal, fraud, counterintelligence, personal background, and technical services investigations and special inquiries and manage special investigations activities. Additionally, Airmen that have retrained into multiple specialties will have several Secondary AFSCs (2AFSC, 3AFSC, etc.). Its designation is MOS 74D. A Marine who earns an NMOS retains it in their service records as an additional MOS beyond their PMOS, and multiple NMOS's (and PMOS's, in some cases) may be earned showing additional skills. These occupations are designated by a five-character alphanumeric code the Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC). Specific skills (such as the type of aircraft or vehicle) are designated by suffixes, such as A or B. In this case, the A says the Airman is a Fire Truck and Refueling Mechanic. The "A" is for officers and warrant officers in a general capacity. Neither Veteran.com nor Three Creeks Media are associated with or endorsed by the U.S. Retrieved from, N.A. Warrant officers also had a five-symbol code but it was different. Within armor (branch 19) there are three specialties available: 19A (armor, general), 19B (armor), and 19C (cavalry). The list of US Army military occupational specialty codes is published on the United States Army Human Resources Command (HRC) PAMXXI website.[1]. The ASVAB is designed to put you in the job that best suits your strengths. Meteorology and Oceanography (68) Marines collect, assess and disseminate intelligence relevant to friendly and enemy force strengths and vulnerabilities. For example: 13 for field artillery, 19 for armor/armored cavalry and 92 for quartermaster. They also operate and perform preventive maintenance on software and hardware systems, including computer systems, radio, telephones and cryptography. Everyone will be assigned a job, but when that happens really depends. A focus on operational success Within each occupational field, there are usually several codes available. Personnel and Administration (01) performs administrative and clerical services in the fields of general administration, postal service and what civilians call human resources administration. Additionally, many fields have specialty MOS's, such as "necessary MOS's," for which there may be varying prerequisites and assignment criterion. A University of Florida alumnus, St. Louis Cardinals fan and eager-if-haphazard golfer, Tom splits time between Tampa and Cashiers, N.C., with his wife of 40 years, college-age son, and Spencer, a yappy Shetland sheepdog. For example, a surface warfare officer with a regular commission has a designator of 1110; a reserve officer has an 1115 designator. WebHOW ARE MOSS DEFINED Air Force Organization AFSC (Air Force Specialty Code) Air and Space operations Pilots, aircrew, space operators, aircraft maint. The Infantry Branch comprises the main combat force on the ground. Music (55) Marines perform music or music-related activities in support of military ceremonies, official functions, community relations, recruiting and Marine esprit de corps.. The first two digits designate the field and, the last two digits identify the promotional channel and specialty. In this case, 7 symbols were used, with "L" as the language qualification indicator, followed by two characters indicating the specific language. Any opinions are those of the author alone, and not those of an advertiser to the site nor of Veteran.com. The field code "18" was created for US Army Special Forces, which are now considered part of the regular US Army. The distinct codes identify a specific job, with related duties However, Sailors' ranks will not change: an E-7 will remain a Chief Petty Officer and an E-3 will remain a Seaman. (2022, July 8) Navy Jobs List: A List Of All 93 Ratings In The Navy (2022). Weather career branch members observe, record, and disseminate weather data and information under the AFSC designation 1W0XX Weather. Special Investigations (OSI) (7S) is not an entry-level position. Electronic Warfare Specialists are designated MOS 29E. MPs carry out most of the functions of a city police department or county sheriffs office. MOS lists are used to define and detail jobs/specialties in the armed forces. Here is an extended listing of AFSC groups. Miscellaneous Requirements MOS (80) includes assorted jobs, including recruiters, security guards and parachutist/combatant diver Marines. Patriot Batteries are deployed to such areas of South Korea and Israel to deter and challenge threats of incoming enemy missiles. (2021, November 30) Army MOS List: A List Of All 159 Army Jobs. WebWithin each occupational field, there are usually several codes available. Retrieved from, N.A. An example of when this conversion occurs at the MSG to SGM level is the 68 (formerly the 91) CMF. In 1965 the system was revamped. Dont worry. Duties and tasks are identified by rank because the Marine Corps MOS system is designed around the belief that increased duties and tasks accompany promotions. Former Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Michael Stevens led the controversial review earlier this year for the Secretary of the Navy on behalf of Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral John Richardson. AFSC 2T Others are purposely generalized. Aircraft Maintenance (60/61/62) comprises the 6000 field. Specialty badges are assigned to each naval rating, and worn on the left sleeve of the uniform. Avionics (63/64) includes direct and indirect support of aviation weapons systems. Each sailor and Chief Petty Officer wears a rating badge indicating their rating as part of their rate (rank) insignia on full dress and service dress uniforms. It may be associated with any MOS unless otherwise specified. The following document includes the updated, new, and the older MOS codes for the U.S. Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard enlisted personnel. Opportunities for advancement are available in each, as are opportunities to move laterally, change to other MOS ratings, and expand skills through training. When promoted from master sergeant or first sergeant or sergeant major to command sergeant major, that soldier will be reclassified administratively from their previous "senior sergeant" MOS to the MOS 00Z (zero-zero-zulu), "command sergeant major". (ND) ASVAB Scores and Navy Jobs. Operating in small teams assigned complicated missions, members of the Special Warfare and Special Operations Community tackle salvage operations, IED (improvised explosive device) disposal, hostage rescue, and small boat operations. Combined with his or her pay grade, they describe what a servicemember did while on active duty or in the reserves. Sites. More specific than a career branch, this is a specific skill set in which the officer is proficient. The Judge Advocate Generals Corps, the legal arm of the U.S. Army, has opportunities for enlistees. This MOS has three enlisted positions: basic ammunition and explosive ordnance disposal marine, ammunition technician and explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) technician. Marines do not compete for promotion or retention based on their NMOS, only their PMOS (or basic MOS, for those who have yet to complete training for a PMOS). They may oversee repair and maintenance of transport equipment, service fuel and water tankers and HUMVEEs. (ND) List of United States Navy ratings. The navy officer "designator" is similar to an MOS but is less complicated and has fewer categories. Since an individual can obtain multiple job specialties, a duty military occupational specialty (DMOS) is used to identify what their primary job function is at any given time. Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense (57) Marines defend against any type of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) attack that could occur in their jurisdiction. Recruits are assigned MOS 11X as enlistees, and are designated as Infantryman (11B) or Indirect Fire Infantryman (11C) during training. Jobs in airfield services include expeditionary airfield systems technician, aviation operations specialist and aircraft rescue and firefighting specialist. There was an additional list of military trades and trainings added so a trained soldier could be assigned to the right unit. Recruiting and Retention (MOS 79) includes these specialties: Transportation Specialists operate and repair transportation vehicles across the Army arsenal, including air, land, sea and rail. If you have questions about Veteran programs offered through or by the Dept. Retrieved from, N.A. Whats an MOS? Warrant officers received a five-symbol MOS consisting of a four-symbol field specialty code consisting of the two-digit field code, a one-digit sub-field code number (usually "0"), the field specialty code letter, and followed by the SQI code letter. They may conduct interviews or perform minor investigative work to gather information. For warrant officers, the MOS 2305 indicates that it is in occupational field 23 (ammunition and explosive ordnance disposal) and designates the "explosive ordnance disposal officer" (05) MOS. Power Line Distribution Specialist (RD) (MOS 12Q), Concrete and Asphalt Equipment Operator (MOS 12V), Carpentry and Masonry Specialist (MOS 12W), Combat Engineering Senior Sergeant (MOS 12Z), Field Artillery Firefinder Radar Operator (MS 13R), Field Artillery Surveyor/Meteorological Crew Member (MOS 13T), Field Artillery Senior Sergeant (MOS 13Z), Patriot Fire Control Enhanced Operator (MOS 14E), Air Defense Enhanced Early Warning System Operator (MOS 14H), Air Defense Artillery Senior Sergeant (MOS 14Z), Unmanned Aircraft Systems Repairer (MOS 15E), OH-58D Armament/Electrical/Avionics Systems Repairer (MOS 15J), Aircraft Components Repair Supervisor (MOS 15K), Observation/Scout Helicopter Repairer (RC) (MOS 15V), AH-64A Armament/Electrical/Avionics System Repairer (MOS15X), Aircraft Maintenance Senior Sergeant (MOS 15Z), Network Switching Systems Operator-Maintainer (MOS 25F), Microwave Systems Operator-Maintainer (MOS 25P), Visual Information Equipment Operator-Maintainer (MOS 25R), Satellite/Microwave Systems Chief (MOS 25T), Visual Information Operations Chief (MOS 25Z), Signals Intelligence (SIGNIT) Senior Sergeant/SIGINT Chief (MOS 35V), Intelligence Senior Sergeant/Chief Intelligence Sergeant (MOS 35X), Chief Counterintelligence/Human Intelligence Sergeant (MOS 35Y), Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) Senior Sergeant/SIGINT Chief (MOS 35Z), Occupational Therapy Specialist (MOS 68L), Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Specialist (MOS 68U), Retention and Transition NCO, USAR (MOS 79V), Railway Equipment Repairer (RC) (MOS 88P), Railway Operations Crewmember (RC) (MOS 88U), Ammunition Stock Control and Accounting Specialist (MOS 89A), Construction Equipment Repairer (MOS 91L), Mechanical Maintenance Supervisor (MOS 91Z), Petroleum Laboratory Specialist (MOS 92L), Senior Noncommissioned Logistician (MOS 92Z), Land Combat Electronic Missile System Repairer (MOS 94A), Air Traffic Control Equipment Repairer (MOS 94D), Avionic Communications Equipment Repairer (MOS 94L), Multiple Launch Rocket System Repairer (MOS 94P), Avionic and Survivability Equipment Repairer (MOS 94R), Senior Missile Systems Maintainer (MOS 94X), Integrated Family of Test Equipment (IFTE) Operator and Maintainer (MOS 94Y), Senior Electronic Maintenance Chief (MOS 94Z). 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